Safely store your data in your home and securely access it with any of your trusted devices.
Install the infrastructure and a fully-integrated suite of free and open-source
software products in less than an hour. No experience necessary.
Multiple layers of encryption – WireGuard® for the outer layer, and an internal certificate issuing authority using OpenSSL and Caddy® inside your private network (VPN). No open ports on your router, while keeping the data separate from the access point(s). For more fine-grained control, user-based authorization and authentication is handled by Authelia.
Invite other home servers to host on your network and share files, photos,
messages, video conference sessions, web sites, etc. Setup the
connection with a simple and streamlined exchange that
utilizes proper Public-Key Cryptography practices.
Need help/support? Have a question or feature request? Get a professional support membership to obtain answers to your questions. New subscription prices may increase over time for new members. However, you will always renew at your original purchase price.
Multitude of Use Cases
This passion project is inspired by the need for a safe and reliable alternative
to centralized platforms and services. The primary goals are to educate,
contribute to and support the open source community as well as
promote a decentralized web. Funding is generated purely
through Professional Support Memberships.